Let us tell you about a place called Haiti!
A place originally blessed by the gods; where beautiful mountains dressed with flamboyant vegetation greet from their height a dreamful ocean. Clear spring rivers refresh vast Plaines, while prehistoric caves are still playing hide and seek with the scientists to be discovered. As a proud keeper of this paradise, a strong and joyful Haitian watches over its inheritance by keeping away the bad spirits playing music and dancing all night long.
Well if you go to Haiti; you will not find the above description … far away from it !
The gods indeed blessed Haiti but did not renew the contract.
The country is beautiful indeed. The mountains are there but trees are being cut to produce charcoal, the rivers used to be there but many dried, the sea is gorgeous but rubbish pile on the towns coast, the prehistorically caves are there but are not on the government and scientists priorities, the Haitian still dance and sing but more to forget than to protect.
Welcome to my second home
Welcome to a place where insecurity is the actual ruler
Welcome to a country marked by 200 years of political instability.
Welcome to a country that has been misled by wrong use of international support
Welcome to a nation that is on the way to recovery … I hope!
All together, we spent nearly a month in Haiti.
Treated like royalty by my family we quickly let ourselves pampered by my grandmother, ants and uncles. A few evenings discussing politics, national economy and especially social health of the country gave us an overview of the situation.
People suffer. Gangs from the “bidonville”, pushed by drug lords and corrupt politicians (exiled or not) installed a state of terror where kidnappings and killings are daily realities.
Everybody is marked by fear; from the “bourgeoisie” who represents the wealth of the country to the poor shoe shiner; nobody is safe from those gangsters.
But what do the government you will tell me?
Really the best they can with the means at their disposal. Without any army, with a police force still being set up, with the help of a massive UN force, which is just starting to be efficient, Haiti; beautiful Haiti, does not have the means to bring stability.
Stability; the grail of this country; the key that could allows hope to return.
Stability could give confidence to both Haitians and foreigners.
Confidence could bring investments.
Investments could develop industries.
Industries could create employment.
Employment could push on the education.
Education could give back to this nation their lost pride to be called:
“The pearl of the Caribbean!”
PS: Pictures of Cuba and New York has been added to this section. Our impressions on those countries will be added later on.
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